
The email step is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Flowpipe. Use the message step to send messages.

The email step is used to send an email message.


toList<String>RequiredA list of recipient email addresses to which
bccList<String>OptionalA list of recipient email addresses to which to send the message via bcc.
bodyStringOptionalThe message body.
ccList<String>OptionalA list of recipient email addresses to which to send the message via cc.
content_typeStringOptionalThe content type of the email body, e.g. text/plain, text/html to send the message.
fromStringOptionalThe email address of the sender.
hostStringOptionalThe DNS name of the SMTP host to send the mail through.
portNumberOptionalThe TCP port on the SMTP host.
sender_nameStringOptionalA friendly display name of the sender
smtp_passwordStringOptionalPassword to log in to the SMTP server.
smtp_usernameStringOptionalUsername to log in to the SMTP server.
subjectStringOptionalThe message subject.

This step also supports the common step arguments and attributes.